Sunday, January 22, 2012

Joe and Mike talk Lebron and AI

Joe: No doubt that LeBron is one of the most entertaining players in the NBA. If LeBron retired today his career would have to be considered a disappointment even though he is a 2 time MVP, right?

Mike: Considering his unearned ego, the pussy ass move of leaving a city that would do anything for him to go play with 2 other superstars, and his near refusal to work on his game in the offseason, I would say that his career is about as meaningful as Allen Iverson's.

Joe: Good comparison, but what is funny about that is while it is disappointing for LeBron, I would never say that AI's career was disappointing. You would have to say that his career was much better than expected, right?

Mike: Exactly. But AI will be a hall of famer, no doubt. LeBron will be too, but the difference is that AI cared too much to the point of nearly crippling himself, and LeBron just cares too little. Give LeBron AI's mentality and drive and I have no doubt in my mind that he would be the greatest of all time.

Joe: I wouldn't say that LeBron doesn't care enough. He could care more, or sometimes he cares about the wrong thing, but its not like he doesn't care at all. Iverson had that killer instinct like Jordan and Kobe, and we haven't seen that from LeBron and it looks like we never will.

Mike: LeBron only cares about the things that do not matter. Money, contracts, big markets. Like Playboy X in Grand Theft Auto IV. He doesn't give a rats ass until there's a media backlash. AI is basically Dwayne. A hard worker who got a bad rap for a lot of stupid crap he did in the past.

PS: I think Derrick Rose gets to be Niko.

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